Monday, April 7, 2014

To Be Continued... Or not

Just a thought:

Putting TBC at the end of every post is kinda cool.  Maybe I should put that at the end of every post and see if that ends up being a cool thing.

Or... putting up TBC is kinda ridiculous to put at the end of a stream of conciousness blog/rant because it will inevitably be TBC, until you don't ever write again... DUHHH!!!

ha! what a joke!

JAN 7, 2013

That was the date of my last post to this blog.  I also boasted about how I was going to "fervently re-write" for the following weeks and if I received enough comments asking for the original, I might "think" about posting it.


How pretentious and self loving is that??  If I am begged enough, I MAY share the complete shit I vomited out the first time before you ever got to this beautiful piece of perfection that you are now looking... OH WAIT...I never got around to editing it or taking it offline.


Well, that just goes to show how on my shit I am and am NOTTTT. LOL, Oh well!! Cest le vie! or however the fuck you say, That's Life, in Frenchy.  Which reminds me, most of my roommates, and subsequently, friends, for the last couple months are FRENCH!!! WTH, mate!!??

IDK... I'm getting sleepy... TBC...

Monday, January 7, 2013

This just came spilling out of my head, and directly contradicts what I am about to say in the following words, but it is temporary and will be rewritten ferociously in the next week or so.   So anyone interested in the progression or evolution of a piece of written work, can see it here. In fact, if I actually get any comments asking me to leave the original up to compare it to the final or evolving drafts, I just may actually.... consider it!

The myth of the tormented, genius writer

I think there is a dangerous myth circulating amongst young writers and filmmakers, student and aspiring writers/filmmakers:  Writing is something we hate to do, although we want to be writers or we are burdened by this curse of being a wonderful writer and so we must do it, to share our genius talent and creativity, but we avoid it at all costs. Some sort of self entitled belief that people who are "writers" just have it, and that having to practice somehow means we don't "have it".  That real "writers" don't need to study or practice writing too much, that it might ruin their "voice" and unique talent. It can be self sabotaging at best and presumptuous at worst. Until writing becomes something we finally quit procrastinating and make ourselves do, and then are done with that project and put off the next as long as possible until it can be put off no more.

If you want to be a writer you better love to write.  You should love to write.  Writing should be something that makes you happy, drives you, appeases the demons.  I know we all procrastinate and put off and get "writers block" (whatever that is), but a writer should never hate it.

Do you think an old story teller ever said, I really hate telling stories, but I'm so goddamned good at it, I MUST do it! I will put it off as long as I can, but eventually I must because I am a storyteller.  Can you imagine your Grandfather saying, oh I dread the holidays because everyone is sitting around and expecting me to tell great stories, but damnit, I am a storyteller, so it must be done. NO!!! Grandpa, Auntie or whoever tells the great stories when your family all comes together does it because they LOVE telling stories.  And they got good at telling stories by telling them over and over again for years and years. They messed them up and told the wrong punchline.  I remember my Grandfather countless times saying, "wait, no, that's not how that goes" or my Grandma saying, "Freddie, that's not how it happened" and my Grandfather would pick right back up, correct himself and keep going.  And as I remember it, every year the stories got better and better, and further and further from the original version(or truth). 

And while I am at it can I talk about one more of my favorite little writer's myths.  That a good writer or "natural" writer doesn't need to re-write.  This may well be all Kerouac's fault, but I don't blame him.  I don't even believe him that he really wrote off the top of his head and didn't rewrite anything, although plenty of his critics would say it's obvious he didn't.  Most people have accepted the chanting of the mantra of "writing is re-writing" enough by their wise (or not so wise) professors enough that they usually, at least a little bit, begrudgingly accept it might be true.  When it comes to their prose writing.  But when I hear it most often is when people speak of their poetry.  I'm far beyond the capability of remembering the amount of times I have heard that someone cannot change their poem once it comes out because that would ruin its true, raw form.  As if, somehow, when writing poetry, our feelings and thoughts and emotions come out in their truest and most honest manifestations.  Think about this for a minute.  How many times have you said exactly what you were thinking, right when you were thinking it, the best way you could imagine having said it, to best express what you were feeling inside?  Or try this one: how many times have you left a situation, ended a conversation or merely changed topics and thought, damn! why didn't I say this, or I wish I'd said that!  Most of us have felt the latter way more often than not.  And when emotions are running high, and I'd say at their rawest, it is even LESS likely that what comes spewing out is going to be the best representation of those beautiful or dark or ugly emotions that have us strangling in their grip. 

And before I completely leave that analogy, I might as well bring up one more thing, relating to us future nobel prize winners.  Have you ever said something that made perfect sense when you said it and someone takes it the wrong way? The girl gets feels you don't appreciate her, the classmate or coworker gets offended, the person arguing with you uses what you said to boost their argument and you are left saying, "wait! that's not what I meant.  I meant this!" ... ohhh, well, that's quite a different story, isn't it?  Well, you should have said that the first time, pal.  That is the beauty of writing, you get the chance to say it again, so that the person who reads it will understand what you meant, what your point or feeling was.  But how can you possibly know how another person is going to read something unless you let someone read your work and tell you how it made them feel, what they understood you meant?  You can't. And yet one of the top complaints in writing classes is having to workshop your writing, because no one ever understands you.  Of course, there are people who will never understand you, there are people in class who are just idiots, and sometimes you really won't give a shit if a certain point gets understood (not a wise option).  But writers NEED someone else to read their writing, react to it and tell them how they felt.  Of course, it should be someone who's opinion you value and gives "good" feedback, but that is a dangerous category, lest you deem everyone who doesn't get your writing immediately as not giving good feedback.  And knowing what is good feedback and accruing a group of good workshopping partners is something that we can only hope will grow with time and experience.

So for all the writers who never want to write, want it done the first time around and are immune to criticism, remember we all have that uncle or aunt (its usually an uncle) who tells the most inappropriate jokes or stories at family gatherings, is oblivious or unconcerned by the embarrassment, repulsion or hurt they are causing and keep on doing it every year.  They are not the great story tellers of our people, and we don't want to be that guy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

writers write, so what is what procrastinators do called?

It's been a good year and six months since my last post. . . Which was only the second one ever. . . And so I figured it was time to throw some shit up on here again. So, here I am at the computer, with, thank the Gods, a daunting and horrific blank screen, because the beautiful and exciting colors that I had here as I wrote before, were WAY too happy and distracting.  Finally, I may be able to get some work done! Jesus Freaking Criminy! Man, I love free writes. this is how we do, just runnin my mouth, or perhaps more accurate would be to say runnin my fingers, because although this is off the top of the head, stream of consciousness you are being blessed with, but it is going from Cerebral Cortex electric pulses, straight to the fingers pounding away at the lap keyboard.  It doesn't get much closer to raw brain activity than that, my friends.

So here is a new thought doing circles upstairs that I really began to formulate or perhaps rather, solidify or answer tonight as I was laying in the bathtub, drinking some red wine from transylvania, YEP, Transylvania.  I am always dumbfounded by all the drunk ass writers who have been so good and prolific whether that be post mortem or luckily while they are still alive.  I just don't get how they have been able to write so much and get so good, being such freaking DRUNKS!  I for one, love to drink and let the creative juices flow, but that only works to a very short, certain extent and then I start to get distracted, and lazy and before you know it, I haven't read anything of value or written anything at all. I try and try and try and procrastination always wins out!

     Well, tonight it hit me: Papa Hemmingway didn't have Facebook, neither did Bukowski.  While they were getting wasted at the bar all they had to do was write all night long rather than Facebook check in and stalk while they sipped their rum and whiskey.  The point is, as we all already know, is to write write write! And if you aren't writing, then figure out what the EFFF is keeping you from writing? Oh you don't have time lately, you say. You have been sooo busy! And yet, you have time to check or update your FB two, three, eight hours a day!  That's right folks, the very thing (technology) that is allowing us unprecedented access to careers we only dreamt of before, is what also keeps us forever away from it! GET off line and start writing!!! It does not matter how mundane, hollow or silly. Just write, eventually, whether you like it or not, you will write something or DO something worthy of recognition, notice, and a proof you are bettering yourself, even if only to yourself!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

trade a super power for a life!

i had this insane dream which i need to get down before it has completely gone. it is horrible and sad, but i want to explore it. it seems it would make a great short story or novel.

i was at a coffee shop? with someone. a friend. i cant remember who, but someone i trusted. and she said, hey, check out this website! it's freaking cool. you put in your info and it gives you some kind of cool wish. but you don't get to choose it, it just picks it at random, but it is like a special power. (i know, how do these things make sense in dream life and are so ridiculous in real life?) so i put in my info and it said, 'congratulations! you have superhuman strength! you can now lift any amount of weight, etc.' and i was thinking, whaa? seriously? this could be cool!!

Then the next screen pops up and it is a picture I know well of Paris in between two friends. except paris is gone from the picture. like photoshopped out. and the screen said: this family member is dead...

I didn't find that funny. I turned to the friend and said what the fuck is that about? and she said, well, yeah! it takes a person from your family. they don't just give you special powers for nothing! but i didn't know it was going to be PARIS! it just picks a family member at random! like it picks your powers. it could have been your 90 year old great aunt that you don't even know.

I obviously started to freak out and went to try to find paris. which i could not. this was weird but kind of hopeful because if she was really dead than there should have been her body somewhere. so i went on a search to find her. what I found out was conspiracy theory, alien take over, body snatchers, matrix type shit to the 1000th degree.

After crazy searching and going all over and talking to everyone and forcing some people to talk I began to get some answers. There were these crazy talking pets that were almost animated like. and they talk. but again, somehow this was normal and accepted. i mean, they were new and cool and definitely something special, but accepted it.

finally one of these pets, which was like a cat, and I think was either mine or a good friend's. It was round and curvy and like silvery metallic purple color. and smooth. like silicon or something.  It was this pet who finally broke down and told me what was going on.

A company was doing this to steal people's souls basically. or their energy. for using the raw power and also for making the talking pets.  so the talking pets were actually people who had been stolen and put into the body of animated pet thing. and somehow they made them not tell anyone. or maybe they didn't know except this one. not sure. and so they were selling these pets for a shitload of money. as well as using the energy of many of the others, in matrix like cells powering huge plants.

and this became an epidemic. people's pictures of their families had alien silver like ghost figures where their family had been before.  they looked like the scream painting by Edvard Munch. and some people had pictures with 3 and 4 family members missing.

the catch i finally figured out was there WAS a way to get your family member back.  by getting someone else, probably new person, to sign up and give up one of their's. and that is what this friend had done to me. she was trying to get her mother or sister back. and for some weird reason she was like nichole kidman in my dream. may have been her.

crazy@@@!!!!!!!! i cant remember much else right now and I am just procrastinating anyway.  I need to finally finish up my screenplay work. !! ended up with 13 pages instead of 10. which is good, i suppose, so I can hack away down to ten better pages.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

here we go!

ok. so i have decided that this is going to be my more informal blog. kinda like a notebook. sometimes i may write daily thoughts and rants.
And sometimes i may write a short story or poem or whatever. and i am also going to write down brainstorms, random thoughts and the writer's gym, exercises that i will be doing as i read my new book on screenplay writing called, write screenplays that sell, the Ackerman way, by Hal Ackerman.
it is the main text for my screenplay writing class. my teacher Barak Goldman(no, not Barack) had hal ackerman as a teacher when he was getting his masters in screenplay writing at UCLA, which by the way, has some pretty prestigious alum, including francis ford coppella.
Francis has a fairly new movie out on dvd, tetro, which looks pretty bad ass. we shall see in the next few days.

and in that vein, i will call this a first blog and peace out!